What is the difference between fake louis vuitton and real
The original LV bags do not have any logo etched on the hardware. Furthermore, the quality of the engraved LV logo is one of the tell-tale signs you should look out for when differentiating a real from a fake. Counterfeit bags have poor-quality engraving while genuine bags have clear-cut letters. Fortunately, with these essential tips and tricks, you can easily tell a fake Louis Vuitton bag from the real deal.
Watch my video here to learn more! Are you interested in purchasing genuine Louis Vuitton bags? Check out my store, Mommy Micah. Shop my available products now! Liked this post? Check my blog for more interesting articles about bags and fashion. On the authentic LV bag, you will always see the letters printed correctly, with no such flaws as the fake Louis Vuitton bags.
Leaving the text aside, you can also notice how all around the leather label, there is stitching on both the fake vs real LV Neverfull bags. As for the second step of the guide on how to spot fake Louis Vuitton bags, we are going to analyse the interior printing and lining on the real vs fake Louis Vuitton Neverfull bags.
This lining which we are talking about is basically the big rectangle with the printed Louis Vuitton and a few more texts on the interior side of the bag, right below the label which we have analysed in the first step of the guide on how to spot fake LV Neverfull bags.
Above, we have pointed out two flaws about the spacing and the shape of the letters on the fake Louis Vuitton bag. Not only this letter, but every letter will have the correct shape on the legit LV bag, while the fake ones are common to have shape flaws for the letters. Then, the second pointer on the right side of the real vs fake LV Neverfull image wants to show you the spacing flaw on the fake LV bag.
For the fourth step of the guide on how to spot fake Louis Vuitton Neverfull bags, we are going to check the fake vs real Louis Vuitton Neverfull bags for the pattern all around the bags on both the classic Monogram and the Damier printings. First of all, we will analyse the real vs fake Louis Vuitton Monogram bag, and then we will inspect the Damier bag.
In the real vs fake Louis Vuitton Neverfull Monogram bag image above, we have pointed out the fact that the fake LV bag has its elements looking bigger than the elements on the authentic LV Monogram bag. This is a common flaw for the fake Louis Vuitton Monogram items, as almost every replica LV Monogram item has its classic elements looking too big. Now that we had a look at the real vs fake Louis Vuitton Monogram bag, we have to move on to the fake vs real LV Damier bag.
The next few steps are still reliable signs of authenticity, but are for non-top-versions of replicas available for this item. By the way, have you seen our Price Comparison App? Now, we are heading towards the side of the real vs fake LV Neverfull bags in order to analyse the depth of the dent on the side of the fake vs real Louis Vuitton bags. As for the sixth step of the guide on how to spot fake Louis Vuitton Neverfull bags, we are going to analyze the LV bags for the shininess of the carbines.
In the fake vs real Louis Vuitton Neverfull bag image above, we have pointed out how the fake bag has quite a lot of flaws. First of all, talking about the lines of text on the fake bag, you can see in the real vs fake Neverfull Louis Vuitton bag image above how the text is too thick when compared to the real deal LV bag. On the other hand, the authentic Louis Vuitton Neverfull bag has all of its lines of text at the same font-weight, not having any key thicker or thinner.
Then, talking about the stitching on the fake Louis Vuitton bag, you can notice in the fake vs real LV Neverfull bag image above how the fake bag has its stitching at various font-weights. Starting with the top of the label, we have pointed out in the real vs fake Louis Vuitton Neverfull bag image above how the fake bag has its stitching too thick, while the legit bag has its stitching thinner. Then, moving on to both the left and the right sides of the label, the replica LV Neverfull bag has its stitching looking once again too thick, and the real deal bag has its stitches thinner.
At the bottom of the bag, things change a little because on the left side of the bag still on the bottom stitching line! Yet again, the legitimate Louis Vuitton Neverfull bag has its stitching at the same thickness for all of the stitches at the bottom of the label as well.
Moving on to the eighth step of the guide on how to spot fake Louis Vuitton Neverfull bags, we are going to look at the real vs fake Louis Vuitton Neverfull items for the straps and their stitching.
In the image with the genuine vs replica Louis Vuitton Neverfull bags above, we have noted how the fake bag has its stitches improperly weighted. By that, we mean that the fake bag has its stitching looking too thick, while the legitimate LV bag has its stitching on the strap looking thinner.
Even though it may seem like a minor thing to check out, these are important things to look at as well, so we recommend that you never skip the zippers. In the image with the replica vs authentic Louis Vuitton Neverfull bags above, we have pointed out how the fake LV bag has its text at the wrong font-weight. There are situations where you may be unable to go through each detailed step explained above when you need to authenticate your Louis Vuitton Neverfull bag.
That is why we have compiled this quick second solution to authenticating your bag. When using a real Louis Vuitton product, the handles will turn darker with time. If this does not happen, then what you bought is a fake Louis Vuitton. When looking at the stitches, the real Louis Vuitton will come with clean and consistent stitches. Yellow thread is used in real Louis Vuitton. But if you see the lining to be uneven and not in yellow thread, then you have been cheated as it is only a fake Louis Vuitton.
Most of the fake Louis Vuitton products will not have a heavy zipper pull and will not have any symbol. The fake Louis Vuitton will only have a solid-color pattern. A real Louis Vuitton will have four slots for cards, snap closure coin purse, and a billfold section. A fake Louis Vuitton may have more slots or less slots. Another way to distinguish between a real and fake Louis Vuitton is by looking at the price.
The real ones come with a high price. And if a bag shows a low price tag, then it is a fake one. Real Louis Vuitton products are made from one continuous piece of leather.
Real Louis Vuitton will come with clean and consistent stitches. Yellow thread is used in real Louis Vuitton products.