What is 5d earth

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Founder, Ashley Aliff. Privacy Policy. What is the 5D new earth? It is a spiritual process of the soul. What one would call heaven on earth. When we have mastered the lower energies our souls will continue rising up in frequency so that these lower energies of1d-4d will become obsolete and merely a part of us as a passage of Past experience. We will then start to embrace the higher realms as a part of our beings5d-7d and so forth.

You chose to experience all of this before you incarnated so you knew what we were getting into as much as it may not always feel good. It is where many realizations happen, and much unlearning happens as you begin to see more and more truth exposed. Right now, we are playing in 3D, 4D, and 5D and are not completely in one density. This means that the energy on earth is changing to a higher vibration. Things vibrate a lot faster in 5D and you can manifest a lot faster. Earth has ascension and descension cycles every 26, years.

We are currently at the end of the 26,year dark descension cycle and are now moving into the ascension phase. We are moving into the golden age as some people like to call it and a completely new reality. New higher vibrational 5D energy is being flooded onto the planet and we are all upgrading at different rates.

Some people are pulling in this energy faster than others. It is a lot for the body to process, so it happens in stages. However, before we are fully in 5D earth, there is a collapse of the old 3D system. They have to collapse so that they can be rebuilt with the new 5D energy.

They can no longer exist the way there were because that old energy is no longer available. What we are currently experiencing this collapse on earth in a major way right now. Think of it as a construction project, you have to tear down the old before you can build the new. In fact, it is really good that it is being torn down. It means that we are that much closer to rebuilding the new! The collapse will happen from many different systems including earth changes and humanity taking their power back from the corrupt systems that have been in place for thousands of years.

Part of 4D is seeing these systems for what they are and how they have not benefitted humanity. There will also be natural changes to the earth that are part of this collapse. Gaia is participating in this process and will choose which types of earth changes she wants to create. These may be things that include all the elements such as air, fire, earth, and water. It can manifest as flooding, droughts, fires, earthquakes, volcanoes, and tornadoes.

There is nothing to fear as your soul chose what you wanted to experience before you came here, and all is well and perfect. The second part of the collapse is from humans who are waking up and seeing that everything they thought about the world may not be true. They are waking up to their true power and stepping into sovereignty. They realize the government and systems in place may not be working for the people but working for themselves to create money and power.

This will manifest as the systems in place collapsing. This includes the governments, financial systems, school systems, health care systems, food systems, and basically everything else that is no longer working.

Once again, this is all part of the process and there is nothing to fear. You are safe and it is all happening to create the beautiful new world that you are stepping into. These systems will be much better in the future and for the people, not against them. As you get closer to 5D the old will no longer be available due to the energy it was created with. Your soul chooses before you incarnate whether you want to ascend in this lifetime to 5D or whether you want to stay and experience 3D earth.

No choice is wrong, it is simply an experience that is best for your soul. I mentioned above that Gaia is ascending as well. This is important to understand because it helps you to see the whole picture of what is happening. Gaia is just as much a soul as you or me. The same way you inhabit a physical body, Gaia does as well. Hers just looks different and is much bigger. When someone passes away their physical body is left to decay and all the processes stop in it.

The same thing would happen if we ascended without having a soul to inhabit the land we are on. This is why Gaia is ascending as well to provide us with what we need.

Ascension is different than death. In death, your soul leaves your body but with ascension, you take your physical body with you. Your body begins to change from carbon-based to crystalline. The same is true of Gaia. And make no mistake, a revolution is coming.

How do we even begin to grasp a concept that most people doubt is real and virtually no one alive has conscious experience of?

The 5D experience, by contrast, is one of pure joy and unlimited potential. Our Earth was originally conceived as a 7th-dimensional seed planet intended to spread life throughout the galaxy and the universe. But over the past 50 million years of linear time, its life force has been co-opted by malevolent beings, attempting to co-opt the ascension process for their own agenda.

Because of this, the Earth has taken a massive hit. The resonant frequency of the planet is rising once again, along with the Collective Consciousness of humanity. There have been several false dawns when ascension could have happened in our recent past. But this time is different. Many of the incarnate beings responsible for the systems of control are being forced out. Many people claim to have contact with guides and soul family from these planes, but how they operate is a mystery.

It is beyond our level of 3d comprehension. The weight of emotions we have to deal with can be too much for some to handle. But the rewards for testing yourself in this way are great. The 5D Earth Project The goal of 5D Earth Project is to assist as many people globally as possible in waking up to their divine higher nature and to provide knowledge that will help them improve their life and their spiritual journey.

What is Ascension All About? We speak a lot about vibration, frequency and Ascension. Its all the same thing as everything in the universe vibrates at a specific rate.


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