Why is nasus so bad
With her Ult, her charm and her true damage she will be a major source of headaches and stress all game. However, if she misses her charm and wasted her Ult, she is dead. This piece of crap is one of the worst supports to go against if you are a low rank player. If he grabs you with a hook later in the game, with his team around, you are dead because he'll keep you in place and silence you while four other guys smack you into oblivion.
And he is tanky enough to not be worth the effort of catching up with him. His mobility, high damage and hard CC make him extremely dangerous to you earlier into the game and his ult is the most rage inducing one in the game.
Try to not directly face him and wait for your itens before trying anything. Evelynn has camouflage, which is bad enough already, but she also has a very powerful charm and lots of magic damage so do whatever you can to not be charmed by her, because if you do chances are you'll be seeing gray. Fiora has insane mobility, a W that negates your damage and true damage based on how much health you have, making her a dangerous threat. And she is also a late game scaler like you, making her one of the worst possible matches.
Like with Darius, play safe, ask for ganks and stay to your tower until you get stronger. Insane mobility and damage makes Fizz one of the worst possible opponents for Nasus, so avoid his fish and make him waste his abilities and he's toast. Like you, she becomes a monster late game, with her passive making your tankiness null. Wither her and try to get away if she has help and to murder her if she is alone. He is dangerous more due to his mobility and damage making him chunk your HP by a considerable amount and simply walk away nearly unharmed.
WIther him away and hope someone else manages to catch up and keep him in place, because you mostly can't. This rodent has one of the strongest Ultimates and his passive is a constant pain in the butt to deal with. Play safely until you can get some items and catch up to his irritating speed. His spears are the most annoying pieces of crap this game has to offer, period. He can stun you and his early game damage is a pain in the butt, so play as safe as possible and do not engage him at all.
Later on, pop his passive with a normal auto-attack and smack the hell out of him after that. This is more of a skill match between Nasus and Aatorx. You also have great sustain, Wither and a tanky Ult, so as always play safe and wait to fight him directly. When it comes to damage, Alistar is normally lacking. When it comes to keeping you from getting to the ADC on his team, he is pretty damn good. He'll knock you up, horn you away and stun you, taking absolutely no damage at all.
Take Mercury Boots and you should be doing much better against the cow. A skill match-up, since she has so much CC that you probably won't ever get to her in the first place and even when you do she won't die immediately because of her passive. But since she is a somewhat mecanically hard champion, you should abuse it by making her spend all her mana or waste her abilities on you.
And for the love of all that is holy, stay out of her Ult before she walls your way out. I should have placed Azir lower, since pretty much only high rank players know how to actually use this guy, but he's still a pretty good threat.
He has so many ways to make you stay away from him that actually catching up is mostly a waste of time, so leave that to more mobile champions or have a friend stop him in place so you can kill him. Avoid his stun at all costs, because if he trigger the three stacks of his passive on you, it'll hurt. And his Ult can win teamfights by itself, but if you manage to catch him after he wastes those, he's dead.
Like you she is weak early and gets stronger as the game goes on, so it is pretty much a skill match-up between the two of you. Try not to stick too close to walls to let her chain her combo and you should do fine. Cassiopeia can deny your extra mobility even Flash , has a stun and a shitload of damage later on. Add the fact she normally has a Seraph's Embrace at some point and she easily becomes one of the most irritating champions to kill.
Mundo is a simple champion, but the kind that can go full tank while dealing an insane amount of damage while healing so much life that it makes him nearly immortal. Both of you will get harder to kill as time goes on, so watch out for the early stages because he can easily murder your doggy face if not careful.
Like Teemo, he'll probably use his Q to deny you farm, get you low enough and then jumping in on you as Mega Gnar. However, on Mini Gnar you deal a ton more damage than him with only stacks, so if he over extends himself, try to make him pay for it dearly.
He has a lot of CC and is tanky even when building damage, so you got to watch out for him. By himself he isn't so bad to face, but with buddies around he can be a terrifying force. Avoid his E to prevent his full combo and you should do well. He has a ton of damage at all parts of the game, so be careful with him. Wither screws him a lot, so use the seconds you have top either re-evaluate the decision of jumping on you or kill him.
Jarvan IV has some CC and is pretty tanky, so it ends up being a skill match-up between the two of you. Avoid his knock up and try to force him to get inside his Ult with just you inside before popping Fury of the Sands and annihilating him. Jayce has lots of poke and overall damage early, so do not engage with him at all. Use your minions as shields against his poke and stack up before facing him. Assassin Kayn won't do much when you have some tank items, unless he is a lot ahead of you in itens and gold an items, Darkin Kayn is a lot more dangerous as he heals a ton while dealing damage based on your total health, aside from his newly acquired knock up.
Unless you are by yourself or in the early game, Kha'Zix won't do much to you and will prefer to get to easier to murder targets. Wither him and run away if he tries anything and keep a good vision around you to warn of any potential attacks. Some say Teemo counters Nasus, which is partially true, but I think of him more as an annoyance than a true threat. His Q will blind you and the little rat will try to deny you stacks and farm with it, dealing a ton of damage by doing it, so time it right to avoid losing them.
Once you get your itens, he isn't tanky enough to properly deal with you and as long as you don't keep running into his mushrooms you'll be fine. Amumu is a sad champion, not just because he was made that way but because aside from his ult, he has nothing on you. That is, you should not get hit by his Q during the earlier portions of the game and his W hurts a lot there, but with some itens he stops being such a threat. Yeah, her passive is almost broken, but trust me when I say that if you get some resistances and ways to catch up to her, she is dead.
Besides, she probably won't waste her stun on you when there are squishy targets around you. Another champion who is more annoying than a real threat. Watch out for his stars and try to farm without being hit by his Q and you should have a pretty easy time against him. Bard can be pretty annoying, but if you are careful to not have anything like an ally, minion or a wall behind you, his Ult and meeps are the only things that can be a threat, together with the fact he also stacks damage infinitely.
By himself Braum is a joke against Nasus, but he's never by himself. His passive, Q and Ult will be annoying to deal with, but they fall short against you the longer the game goes on, so be patient and wait for an opening.
Caitlyn has good CC and mobility with her stupid damage, but with enough itens she won't be able to escape from you and she dies pretty quickly. Aside from him being able to easily run away from you, he isn't that much of a problem, so try to help your team force him to waste his spells and he'll die. Diana is normally more of an assassin, so build some MR to make you a very unappealing target, Wither her and then smak her face. Draven deals damage, a lot of it. You probably won't see him for the early portions of the game, but if you do get the hell away from him, because he hurts.
Once you have a few itens just Wither him and end his existence. Ezreal hurts a lot after his rework and his E lets him get away when you try to catch him, so wait for him to waste it before going for that piece of meat he is.
Galio has lots of CC and some damage, but against you he'll inevitably fall short and be pretty easy to deal with. Just be careful of him during teamfights as that's where he excels at. His turrets are annoying and hurt a lot earlier into the game, but they are also a juicy source of stacks for your Q, so enjoy it while watching out for missiles and grenades.
Yeah, Nasus can stack Siphoning Strike on her tentacles that keep spawning. Add that to your superior sustain, innate tankiness and damage later in the game and Illaoi should be pretty simple. But do not think she isn't a threat at all, because if she gains an advantage on you, be ready for a world of pain. Another auto-attack based champion, Jax suffers greatly from your Wither.
If he tries to jump and stun you, use WIther and Spirit Fire and get away from him. Try to ignore him and just farm, rush Frozen Heart and you should be good to go. Nasus is possibly one of the best ways to play against Irelia. You have a better sustain with your passive and the most important thing: most of her damage will come from auto-attacks, which are slowed by Wither so the moment her passive is on, you use your W and she'll lose a great portion of her DPS.
She is the queen of disengagement, so it is pretty much useless to try and go for her or those under her protection on your own.
With the team it gets easier, so having her waste abilities is always a good thing. Jhin has a lot of damage later into the game, but your Wither takes a lot of it away while making him slower, with his only source of hard CC being fairly easy to avoid. Her Q hurts, specially the empowered version, her W heals a lot and her E can be frustrating. And even so, she is not a serious problem once you actually catch up to her easier said than done.
Yeah, her AA slow you and her Ult is annoying, but aside from that? You'll be a tank so she won't deal that much damage to you in the first place and with something like Righteous Glory you'll get her to see the gray screen pretty easy. This beast is pretty dangerous against anything who isn't a tank, but Nasus is inherently hard to kill, so if you force him to waste his abilities you should have a pretty easy time, since he won't be able to kill you or you him, so use the time to farm. Honestly, you don't see her very often in lower ranks, with her being mechanically difficult and all that.
But when you do, do your best to avoid being hit by her web, because her full combo hurts a lot when you have no resistances to deal with her. Avoiding that, you should be fine.
Aside from his fear and silence, she won't do much damage to you, being more of an annoyance than anything else. Be careful of his Ult, because that thing hurts. Poor Hecarim loses a ton of damage when Withered, so unless he catches you off guard he isn't a threat, so get a lot of vision so he can't smack you around. Ivern is more of a supporting champion, so unless he has someone else with him, you can somewhat ignore his existence. Place vision around you so you know when he is coming and she won't be a problem.
Avoid getting caught in her traps and she won't be a problem at all, being made of tissue paper when faced against a stacked Siphoning Strike. Wither screws her passive and unless she has her partner around she has no hard CC. Slow her down, get close and enjoy her cold corpse. Deals a lot of damage, has a good slow and one of the best Ultimates, but has no mobility and is fairly easy to catch and kill.
Kayle depends on her auto-attacks. Wither slows them down. Do I need to say what happens? Altough, watch out for her Ult, it can cause your premature demise.
Kindred has good mobility and CC, together with a life-saving Ult. Make her waste her abilities, specially her Ult, and then murder her. Overall, jungles love Nasus, or his Wither to be more precise, so a good Lee Sin will know that for sure, so when you see him coming, you get ready to slow the hell out of the squishiest target around, making it easier for Lee to chain his combo on the poor bastard.
Assassins also love Wither, but since Ahri pretty much depends on skillshots, she'll love you even more for making it easier for her to hit them. Join or Log In. Join the leading League of Legends community. Create and share Champion Guides and Builds. Login Social Login. Create Account Social Register. Vote Vote. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page x. Guide Discussion 2 More Nasus Guides. Did this guide help you? If so please give them a vote or leave a comment.
You can even win prizes by doing so! I liked this Guide. I didn't like this Guide. Vote Comment. Comment Would you like to add a comment to your vote? Thank You! Choose Champion Build:. Spells: Flash. Ranked 16 in Top Lane. Items First Buy. Corrupting Potion. First Back. Core Items. Frostfire Gauntlet Zz'Rot Portal. Ninja Tabi Mercury's Treads. Some more armor options. Example Build 1. Ability Order. Siphoning Strike Q Q. Wither W W. Most of my difficulty is still navigating how the jungle works post the revamp a kajillion years ago, but it seems much easier overall so it hasn't been too big of a deal.
Matchmaking is now giving me games with a mix of high gold and low plat players and the change in game tempo is striking. April 15 edited April Jars Registered User regular. I found diana's jungle to be wanting nowadays. Ivellius Registered User regular. Jars wrote: ». Tcheldor Registered User regular. Tcheldor wrote: ». Ivellius wrote: ».
Is she up yet? PMAvers wrote: ». April 16 edited April Albino Bunny Jackie Registered User regular. She actually popped off in lane, albeit against cosmic-drive-rush malphite, and absolutely shitstomped the entire game. Albino Bunny wrote: ». Ganking is weak but not abysmal. In terms of your strength there are vanishingly few junglers like Kha that can dare 1v1 you at level 3 and even those will lose if you invade them early. The team comp thing is tough to fix but honestly most meta junglers are bruisers or assassins not tanks anyway.
Basically I think the main trick with Kindred is that they really want you to be confident taking strides in jungling. IMO Kindred is a jungle counterpick or a specific team comp pick. That unfortunately means plenty of games Kindred would work well but your top and mid and support have maybe one CC ability between all three so picking Kindred is a mistake. Kindred works pretty well as a counterpick to junglers with risky starts or farms or junglers who can't duel a skirmisher ADC, especially against teams that don't have lane priority because you can invade aggressively without much risk.
There are plenty of junglers who are pretty flexible and that is a big part of what makes them strong, Kindred is kind of the opposite again IMO. Very good in specific comps and against specific champions but not something you can safely pick with random vs. Back in the day I would also get murdered by my own jungle; now the clear seems easier so maybe that part would be ok. Supplements containing fiber can produce gas as a byproduct, and the diabetes drug metformin can also make you gassy.
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