What kind of being is gandalf
Because of the " law of large numbers " a. If you take one persons opinion of what a character is like and compare it to the opinion of another person about what that character is like, they could be very different.
But if you compare the opinions of two groups, the difference gets smaller and smaller the larger the groups. The table shows the average rating the character received for each trait in the survey. Because the questions are bipolar adjective pairs, they are reversible i. On this page, traits that had an average score below the midpoint have been reversed so they can be listed in order of most to least extreme for that character.
The table also shows this character's relative rank on that trait compared to all other characters in the database. The standard deviation of ratings is shown, the basic idea here is that if the standard deviation is higher then that means there is less agreement between raters on that trait the less agreement, the larger the sample size needed to get a reliable estimate.
The number of raters is how many different individuals submitted a rating for that trait with this character; each rater rated only a random subset of traits for each character when they were surveyed.
The similarity between two characters can be calculated by taking the correlation between the lists of their traits. And, -1 implying that if a character is high on specific trait, the other one is low on it. The 10 most and least similar characters to Gandalf based on their crowd-sourced profiles are listed below with the correlation in parenthesis.
Personality types according to various systems can be derived from the character's traits. Gandalf's alignment would be Chaotic Good, as he has no trouble being deceptive or misleading when it suits him and has even gained a reputation for being a troublemaker in The Shire, but his actions are in the pursuit of a greater cause. This is partly because Tolkien kept magic mysterious and didn't go out of his way to codify it.
Gandalf's spells included creating light, creating fire, using lighting and fire in brief bursts of magic to smite his enemies, opening magical doors, sealing doors with magic, creating beams of light that harm undead, breaking a stone bridge with the aid of force, pulling weapons from a distance, communicating with animals, altering the appearance of Elrond's water spell, altering his own appearance, heating metal, silencing his enemies, and seemingly communicating through telepathy.
The bard spell list accounts for some, but not all of these effects. Fortunately, bards have access to the Magical Secrets feature, which gives them access to spells outside of the bard list. Playing an old man who has seen far too many winters, but is called to action in service of a greater purpose offers all kinds of interesting roleplaying opportunities. Gandalf's magical power is reserved for only the most dangerous circumstances and his true skill lies in prompting others into action or inaction, rather than acting as a meat shield.
Gandalf's strength lies as much in his knowledge and personality than his magical prowess, and all are part and parcel of being a bard. Fatal Frame's director couldn't promise more remasters, but the language offers a little hope. Scott has been writing for The Gamer since it launched in and also regularly contributes to Screen Rant. He has been gaming since the days of the ZX Spectrum, when it used to take 40 minutes to load a game from a tape cassette player to a black and white TV set.
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